Riebeeksrivier Caroline 2013

COGH Caroline 2013


Chenin-dreven blend fra Kasteelberg i Swartland

Moden fersken, tropisk frugt balanceret af fad (10% ny)

Fisk eller hvidt kød med en cremet sauce


Cape of Good Hope Caroline 2013

VINTAGE NOTES: Following 2 dry years which produced smaller crops, the 2013 vintage yielded a big crop. Ripening occurred slightly later than usual, and fruit was harvested in a very short space of time. Ideal weather conditions prevailed during the harvest season – moderate day temperatures and cool night temperatures. ere were no prolonged periods of rain or heat waves. Overall a very good quality vintage that delivered wines of exceptional fruit avour, freshness and good structure.

WINEMAKING: The grapes were hand-picked during the early morning hours at optimal ripeness. e fruit was transported to the cellar in refrigerated trucks before being whole – bunch pressed. e juice settled overnight, and all parcels were kept separate and racked into fermentation with selected yeast strain cultures. A small portion (10%) of the total blend was fermented with new French oak to add complexity and structure. e blend of Chenin blanc (63%), Roussanne (22%) and Viognier (15%) spent 9 months on the lees in oak, before being blended and bottled in December.

TASTING NOTES: A typical Rhône style white blend comprising of 63% Chenin Blanc, 22% Rousanne and 15% Viognier. The palate boasts with rich, ripe honeyed peach & tropical fruit supported by a creamy, toasty oak element. Oak is prominent but not overwhelming and balances the fruit well. The mouthfeel ends on a long, satisfying caramel and honeycomb note.

RAINFALL: 996.17mm
18/02/2013 HARVESTING ENDED: 24/02/2013
SOIL TYPE: Decomposed Malmesbury Shale
YIELD: 8 – 10 t/ha


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